Tuesday, December 14

Go if you wanna go, but I won't follow just so you know

Guess what you guys? I remembered to take pictures today! Not a whole lot, but it's progress.

Ferry Building:
San Fran

Our chocolate tour was pretty awesome, I might just be snobby and never eat a Hershey bar again. Unless I get some in my stocking this year, of course. I'm not wasteful.

This is in some fancy-schmancy hotel:
San Fran

And this was my lunch today. He was delicious:
San Fran


  1. I love the Nutcracker picture, and I'm so jealous of your chocolate tour! I love that plaid shirt--I think I need another one.

  2. Looks like a fun trip! I absolutely looove San Fran.

    xx Bonnie


  3. You look gorgeous in that plaid button-down! Hehe. You gotta love seafood!


  4. You and the nut cracker are so cute together!
    Your chocolate tour sounds delicious. Hope you are having a fun time in the city!

    Chic on the Cheap

  5. Mmmm...chocolate tour. And Mr. Krabby there does indeed look very delicious.

  6. Haha I just remembered the last time I went to San Francisco I walked through the Ghirardelli shop five times to get more free samples. That's actually really embarrassing and I probably shouldn't be saying that in public. But man, it was tasty. Chocolate = <3

  7. I discovered you via the 30x30! Love these pictures. My husband & I went to SF a few years ago and we loved it! :)


Thanks for stopping by! If you have a question, feel free to email me at omglydia[at]gmail[dot]com!