Wednesday, May 4

Finals week.

This is what I look like during finals week at 2 am:

Photo on 2011-05-04 at 01.55

If I had thought ahead I would have gotten guest bloggers or something this week so I didn't have to scramble to put together an outfit-less post. But it all kind of snuck up on me, so here's a picture of my cat instead:


He's in a drawer, and he's cross-eyed. He also says hi, and that when this is all over (like on Thursday) I'll have a post with some clothes and stuff.


  1. I hope that your finals week goes well! Your cat is so cute.

  2. Aww, your cat is so cute. I love it when you post pictures of your cats. Good luck with your finals! :)

  3. Same. Boat.

    I would write more, but I have too much work to do!

  4. Your cat is a cutie. My cat likes to hide in drawers too.

  5. Good luck with all your finals!! And you can never go wrong with a cute cat photo :)

  6. Love your cat! I haven't posted an outfit picture in about two weeks so don't feel bad. Oh and I shoudl be doing a take home test but I am on pinterest and reading blogs. Yay me!

  7. awe its so amazing that you made the effort to post something - you are such a darling! Good luck on everything! You are almost done! xo Nav

  8. ha! i love this random post. good luck with finals!!!

  9. feel free to post photos of your cat all week - he is adorable!

  10. Oh, and your cat picture is HILARIOUS. Cross-eyed anything always makes me laugh. Is that mean? because some people are born that way.

  11. Good luck with your exams! And your cat is cute!! :) And don't worry about the posts! We all know you have your own things to deal with outside of the interwebzz. lol!

    btw, I awarded you with a couple of awards :)

  12. thats one thing i don't miss about college... all nighters. good luck! xx


Thanks for stopping by! If you have a question, feel free to email me at omglydia[at]gmail[dot]com!