Monday, May 23

Graduation (again)

This weekend my little brother graduated from high school! I'm such a proud older sister.




It does make me feel old though, it seems like just yesterday he was graduating from Kindergarten. (I'd also like to point out I was also taller than him then)


Tell me he's not the cutest thing in a cap and gown you've ever seen.

Anyway, congratulations Steven! You are the coolest (and most stylish) 18 year old I know. Good luck!


  1. My sister just graduated with her BA.  So crazy!  Congrats to your bro!!  By the way, I love your dress.

  2. awe what proud sis you are! My bro finished high school 2 years ago and he makes so proud. I loved your green dress you wore. and yes! I did get your e-mail. give me a day or two and I will surely get back to you :)

  3. our little brothers are the same age! also, i love that green dress :) super chic big sis!


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