Sunday, October 2

Is it Fall yet?



Banana Republic top; Old Navy shorts; Target wedges.

Lots to talk about today! First: one of the reasons I moved to Arizona was because I hate cold weather (I'll seriously be happy if I never have to own a heavy jacket again). However, I am a little jealous of all you guys that get to dress like it's fall; my tights and boots are just begging to be worn. Meanwhile it's still 100 degrees here and I'm having to buy more shorts because I don't have enough (these that I'm wearing were only $2.50!)

Secondly, I met my first fellow-blogger this past week! If you guys haven't stopped by Threads and Buttons, you totally should. Kelley and I went thrifting in Sun City, which is a retirement community (we were seriously the youngest people around for miles). We were bad bloggers and didn't take any pictures unfortunately, but it was still a blast. Check out her post here to read more!

Finally, thank you guys so much for all your advice in my last post about my first day of work! I think I finally know what I'm gonna wear (it's only changed about six times) and I can't wait to share with you guys how everything goes!