Maurices t-shirt; Thrifted scarf; Target skirt; Wet Seal belt; Payless flats.
I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet tonight because I'm exhausted. I spent 9 hours today working on a group project due tomorrow and then another hour tutoring MBA students. (I taught them how to balance). Pretty much my Thursday night "networking" at the bar cannot come soon enough.
In outfit-related news, I really liked all the springy colors in this outfit! And I seriously have an addition to buying these square scarves at Savers (it was windy so the first picture is the only one were it's laying correctly). See also here, here and here; and there's at least 7 or 8 more that haven't debuted on the blog yet. I'm sure there's a limit to how many a person should own, but when they're only a dollar or two it's pretty hard to resist.
And I said this would be short so I'm stopping now. My bed is definitely calling my name.